Roadz - Share your trip, earn money on bookings

495 Travels suggested


Influence the future of travel


Change our way of travelling

Help you to find your next travel experience

Experience provider New road trip travel experiences

Travel organisation has never been so accessible from a desktop and we think new challenges are now mobility and inspiration to bring new adventures to life. There are a hundred ways to make a trip and with Roadz we are aiming at providing you with the one that fits you. Roadz is offering a complete end to end travel booking mobile experience to organise your next itinerary across the world : Select your destination, choose your accommodations, pick a car rental and book your journey in one step. The bonus is : we make this journey sustainable and we offset the carbon footprint at no extra cost for you. It's definitely more than an offer.

Make your travel experience tailor made

Our ultimate objective is to generate a tailor made travel experience on the basis of a few criteria and allowing you to still customize it. We want to make it seamless and as much accessible as your phone in your pocket.
Moreover, we know that plans are always changing and the challenge between studying itinerary and deciding on booking is the main hurdle, that's why every reservation made on Roadz is flexible until you take off and none of them are paid in advance.

Make your travel sustainable

Road trip travel made sustainable

As travel becomes one of the most environmental impacting industry for our planet we wondered how we could make it more sustainable for a reasonnable cost for the traveler ? We actually found that we could do it at no cost for them. How ? Simply by lowering our revenues. Based on your travel choices for your journey (accomodations and car rental), we calculate your carbon footprint and we aim at covering it in different ways (purchase CO2 allowances, contribute to various conservation programs, finance local environmental organizations). The real impact of your travel on your destination is then offset and local environments are preserved. Stakes are high :

  • Preserve local environment from tourism impact
  • Make you travelling peacefully
  • Ensure the future of travel industry

As an additional lever we are aiming at preserving our destinations from overtourism by limiting their availiability during certain period of time on our platform.

Our travel application in 3 features

Available Now

Share your trip and get rewarded

Share with us your best trip itinerary, your input could make you win about 1,000 €/yr*

To reach our goals, we thought about getting you involved. For once your data will be rewarded and you could take advantage of our solution by earning money on travel booking during the 3 next years. To do so, it's quite simple :

  • Describe the trip you have experienced or you are dreaming of
  • Detail stops of the itinerary (cities are auto suggested)
  • Share some details about you so we can reach you properly
3 to 5 stops "" 6 to 10 stops "" 10 + stops
1,0 € 1,5 € 2,0 €

Rules are simple

In order to allow a maximum of contributions, to share the benefits of our solution and ultimately to provide you, as a final user, with the best experience; we have set a few rules:

  • Trip's royalties can not be shared between different contributors
  • Similar itineraries cannot be selected
  • Consequently, the rule of first in first served applies
  • All suggested trip itineraries are subject to acceptation from Roadz
  • This contribution remains totally free of obligations

Complete details of terms and conditions are available herein both French / English languages

Here are some tips to optimize your chance to be selected

  • The more you suggest itineraries, the more chance you have to get a trip accepted
  • Share hidden gems from you country, secret trips and travel that you know about
  • Don't forget the duplicates rules, meaning that time is your enemy
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* :This amount is an average estimation based on sales hypothesis and doesn't take into account popularity of suggested trip, Roadz is not engaged by this amount

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